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Marketing graphics – CASE STUDY

I combined my skills as a photographer, graphic designer, and cartographer to create a consistent presentation package for this high-stakes proposal submittal that I ultimately helped win $21 million in work. These images range from covers and tabs to the final PowerPoint with animation and numerous short movies that describe the companies technical capabilities. I shadowed the technical team in the field as they wore their hats and vests and I made photographs that would be used throughout the proposal. These graphics show a consistent style of type, layout, and color throughout the presentation that's refreshing and modern. The proposal technical reviewers where impressed with the teams overall presentation and gave us a numerical score well above our competition.

Powerpoint slideshow

Excerpt slides from the Fugro team PowerPoint presentation that helped Fugro win the $21 million water project.

Click on thumbnails to view larger.

short movie about gis capabilities

Movie incorporates photographs, custom animations, and custom vector graphics that I created. This movie was seamlessly inserted into the PowerPoint.

printed graphics

Large binder cover and tabs, CD label, 11x17 leave-behind, organizational chart, flow chart, colorful tables made using InDesign. Interview name tags and custom field photography were also made. Click image for larger view and description.


Icon library

Printed leave-behind summary

Binder tabs with images

Team organizational chart done in InDesign

Workflow process diagram

Meetings flow chart

Workflow process description

CD label

Redrawn figure with custom colors

Field photography

Table showing list of projects with a description (made in MS Word and styled in InDesign)

Name tags for presentation meeting

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